Election 2016: What does future hold?

Election 2016: What does  future hold?

Claire Myers, Editor In Chief

It seems as if the new talk now-a-days is all about the election coming up in a little less than two months. Trump versus Clinton, who knew that these two names would become so big in just the past couple of years?

Many people in the country are worried about how the U.S. is going to be impacted based upon who wins the election. A big part of the concern is how it will impact future generations on many different subjects like their education, the economy, freedom of marriage, and many others. It seems as if, for almost all the topics, Trump and Clinton have the exact opposite ideas or beliefs, while for a few others they either have minor differences in what they believe or they actually agree.

I personally believe that with whoever wins, there will be many pros and cons to both sides. I don’t have one candidate that I prefer over the other, but I do think they each have something that they can help us, the future generations, with.

Hillary, for example, has a lot of political background. She has been in the business and political sphere for so long, that she knows what she is doing, whether it’s for the good or bad. On the other hand, Trump has not had any political experience at all. Although, he is a very good businessman and knows how to handle his money.

Both candidates seem to have many disagreements about Domestic Issues. Clinton believes that stricter punishment does not reduce crimes, while Trump does. They also disagree on whether or not to expand ObamaCare. Hillary very firmly believes it should be expanded, while Trump does not. This could cause many problems for future generations because ObamaCare has been seen to help many people, and if Trump is elected and it is just taken away, then it can cause problems for a large number of people.

Clinton does not have an opinion on whether or not to expand the military but Trump feels that it should be done. This could help the future generations because it may mean that more people will be allowed to join and participate in the military and other ways to serve our country.

Of course, there are many more topics and discussions that both of the candidates have to review and go over, but these are only just a few. Now it’s your turn to decide, who do you think the best is to run our country and make it better for future generations?