PALs Informational Meeting

If you are a current Sophomore or Junior and you are interested in applying to be a PAL for the year 2023-2024, the meetings will be in room 2810, and for any further questions at [email protected]. You must attend either the meeting on February 1, 2023, @ 7:00 a.m. or 2:50 p.m. or February 2, 2023, @ 7:00 a.m. or 2:50 p.m. 

PALs are an organization that helps at-risk students and serves as a mentor in the Fort Bend ISD. They are responsible for countless activities at each location. They are expected to work on communication and leadership skills in the process. This program is designed for students to make more informed, responsible, and constructive decisions. Students are carefully selected by PALS sponsors and from a selection of applications, interviews, and teacher recommendations. There is a very diverse group representing all student interests. They sign contracts to stay drug-free, keep a passing grade average in all classes, and be a positive role model both in and out of the school environment. PALS helps in several ways by leading and encouraging others to make the right choices.

“Students should join PALs if they want to help mentor,” PALs sponsor Ms. Mayo said.

Senior Ashley Hernandez says that she joined PALs because she wanted to make a difference.

“As PALs, we get to mentor and guide kids through difficult times. We also help around campus, volunteering at different events for both students and faculty,” Hernandez said. “PALs has shown me how much helping others can make an impact in their lives.”