Glass Houses


We all live such superficial lives. We smile when we don’t want to, pretend to care when we don’t and say things without comprehending the
depth of our words. In this world, we all live in houses made of glass. So afraid to break the walls we hold our breath in fear. But these glass houses shatter
sometimes, without warning, without cause.  Then we are left to pick up the pieces of our shattered reality only to see that our delicacy was for naught. The smiles we wear so well is not enough to save us from our fates. While everybody stands so carefully in their glass houses you know now that a single blow can destroy everything you once held dear. Now those walls are dead and gone and all that’s left of it are broken memories and lost hope. All the things you would have once given your life for suddenly seems so trivial because now you know that all that once mattered is in the past. You have faced the harsh realities of the truth, but in truth there is freedom. As with all things worth having, freedom comes with a heavy price. Regardless of whether you paid willingly, or had it snatched out of the palm of your hands, it is yours now. You are no longer caged in by the expectations of others and the rules of propriety because you have broken free. Free of the glass walls that once bound you. Free to spread your wings and start anew. And while you fly away to unseen horizons, we look up from our glass houses and reach our hands as high as our chains will let us wave goodbye.