Divvya Seernani, Managing Editor

Although Houston didn’t actually get a solid winter (no, one week of 50 degree weather with sporadic rain doesn’t count), it’s safe to say the last bit of cold we’re gonna get is making its way into the beginning of this month. And just how this weather is trickling out, so are the winter fashion trends.

This time of year is typically when people make the switch from layers and coats to thin fabric and light jackets. During this time, almost everyone finds any excuse to finish off the last bit of winter clothing they accidentally bought too much off on Black Friday (we’ve all been there).

With that, if there’s a cute sweater that hasn’t been shown off yet, now is the time to do it. Trust me when I say that in a week or two, loose, knit sweaters and fuzzy socks will go from cute to crummy fashion real quick.

I personally love the cold weather and all the accompanying aesthetics, so this change is always really difficult for me. But unfortunately, we must make the switch – unless, of course, outdated, seasonal clothing seems like a good idea.

Oh don’t look so sad! Seasonal switches always come with perks: sales, sales, and more sales! Look out for discounted prices on winter clothing on the next shopping trip – it’s honestly a great way to stock up on clothes for next year without having to pay for high prices or stand in crazy, winter sales lines!