2023 ACES Benefit Concert

The Asian Culture Exchange Society and K-Pop Club are hosting its sixth annual benefit concert on Mar. 4 in the Commons at 6 p.m.


Ticket sales start Feb 27 for $5 during A and B Lunch and $8 at the door.


“The mission behind the concert was to allow students to both show off their multicultural background and/or talents while also raising funds for charities or organizations relating to current world events,” ACES president Willie Chang said.


All the proceed will be donated to Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief.


“We chose to give all proceeds to the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Relief due to the amount of damage from the tragic 7.8-magnitude earthquake caused in that region,” Chang said. “With tens of thousands of casualties and even more infrastructure damage, we recognize that this is the best utilization of profits from our annual Benefit Concert.”


There will be various performances including “individuals from different schools and from clubs” will be at the Benefit Concert


“There will be a variety of performances at this year’s concert, including multicultural dances, vocal performances, and instrumental performances,” ACES webmaster Vivian Souvannachack. 


Performances include K-pop cover dances by individuals and the K-pop club.


“At this year’s concert we’ll have tons of incredible performances from students all over showcasing their talents,” ACES treasurer Pritam Hazra said. “It’s going to be a ton of fun!”