For good or bad, Disney opens LGBT topic


Claire Myers, Editor in Chief

For the past few years, Disney has started to bring their classic movies to life. Cinderella, The Jungle Book, and many more have been redone with real people to make the movies and stories seem more realistic. But, with this, brings some social issues that many do not agree with.

After the release of the new movie, Beauty and the Beast, many people have begun to sign a petition to say “no” to having LGBT moments in their movies. Beauty and the Beast is Disney’s first official movie to have a moment like this, and parents are not happy about it. Many of them believe it will change their children’s minds about what they believe in.

The “gay” moment that Disney showed did not suggest much, and I do not think many children who would see it would understand what it was hinting at. Personally, I do believe this is a big step for Disney to add in their movies/shows, and I do not think it is necessarily a bad thing. I do not think that children who see a moment like this will automatically change who they like or what they believe.

I think this goes with many movies and not just Disney. People are becoming much more open about the topic, while many others still want to keep their children sheltered. But, there is only so much you can do about that.

I think this is something that many movie makers and TV show creators should put into consideration. But, parents should also think more about how much they can keep or should keep from their children.