Weird Body Facts

Claire Myers, Reporter

The human body is pretty amazing when you think about it. From the way it is able to heal itself after having a scratch to how it just works for you without you having to think about it. Everyone’s body is the same but also different. Our bodies have weird and amazing abilities that you probably don’t even know happen everyday of your life. Here are just a few.


  • In approximately 30 minutes, your body produces enough heat to boil half a gallon of water
  • In your lifetime, you produce enough saliva to fill at least two swimming pools!
  • Your foot is the same length as from your wrist to your elbow
  • You breathe about 23,000 time a day
  • About 80% of the speaking you do everyday is to yourself, whether you notice it or not
  • Just like fingers, people’s tongues all have a special tongue print
  • Your eyes have the ability to blink about five times per second
  • Your nose can remember about 50,000 scents
  • Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour!
  • With all the iron in your body, you’d have the ability to make a 3-inch long metal nail
  • Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to
  • Every step you take, you use up to 200 muscles
  • Your taste buds are replaced every 10 days


Of course there are many interesting facts and abilities that our bodies are able to do. Just the thought that they are able to help us survive and do our daily routines is pretty amazing.