Water on Mars?


Claire Myers, Reporter

Just recently, NASA has officially declared that there is water on Mars. It has taken them 15 years to discover this. People usually think of Mars as having old water or frozen water. According to Space.com, there were rivers and oceans that may have been on the planet a long long time ago, but because of the size of Mars and its gravity, when the water evaporates, less and less of it comes back down.

A student named Lujendra Ojha was the first to discover strange features while studying at University of Arizona in 2010. He and his co-authors have worked on studying and observing these photos and the planet ever since. Since then, they have discovered hydrated salts on Mars.

NASA discovered the water because of what they call recurring slope lineae. They believed that the hydrated salts on the slopes were related to liquid water. But, the streaks only appear during certain seasons and seemed to disappear during other seasons. This seemed to prove that it was present day liquid water.

NASA is hoping that this will help them to learn how to sustain life and find resources that could help people live there one day. This causes them to believe that many more new discoveries can arise.