STUCO elects Sarah Fung executive president for 17-18 school year
April 26, 2017
Every student has a voice, a chance to be heard among their peers. But with so many voices and so many ideas, it can be hard to achieve cohesiveness.
Student Council, better known as STUCO, helps gives the entire grade one voice. Students can choose to organize and experience various student events as members, while more tedious jobs would include representing your grade as a whole by becoming an officer.
Recently, STUCO held officer elections for the 2017-18 year, the most competitive running being for Executive position. After a lot of campaigning, Sarah Fung was elected STUCO Executive President.
Sarah Fung has been an integral part of STUCO ever since her very first day. Class president for her freshman, sophomore, and junior year, she was selected to represent her grade as well as all of STUCO as Executive President next year.

For next year, Fung has set high standards for what she wishes to accomplish. Unlike the year before, she wants to see STUCO playing a more active role in the FBISD community. This is extremely important because the members of STUCO are supposed to represent the young leaders of today and the future.
This task should be fairly easy considering the amount of events Fung has been directly in charge of throughout her STUCO years. From CHS Beauty Week to writing letters to veterans/soldiers, there are nearly 15 events she has spearheaded that make her more than qualified and prepared for the big stakes.
In addition, Fung is extremely positive about the officer group for the upcoming year.
“One of the most unique features of the exec bards throughout all the years would be the diversity and range of extra curriculars each officer is involved in,” Fung said.
Just like the previous years, there are many dynamics being brought to the table and she is so happy about that. Not only will this make for a successful STUCO year, but it also makes for a fun collaborative environment.
“My favorite STUCO memory would be seeing the student body express their creativity and excitement for homecoming during the different [spirit] days throughout the week,” Fung said.
Clearly, STUCO holds a really special place in Fung’s heart. Her passion and energy are sure to help her reach her goals in the coming year.