MEGA Lunch. MEGA Change?

September 7, 2016
Towards the end of the 2015-2016 school year, the Texas Board of Education battled a huge debate over whether or not schools should be given an additional fifteen minutes to their schedule. The news spread rapidly and schools all over Texas became confused and concerned – How were they going to utilize this extra time? And even then, what good would it do?
Well thankfully, each school had the liberty to choose where to direct this extra fifteen minutes – an advisory period or lunch. The administrators at CHS gathered input from students, faculty, and parents and then weighed the benefits of each alternative. They agreed on an extended lunch time. They felt the extra time would help teachers to work, plan, and unwind while giving students a chance to study, decompress, and eat at a relaxed pace, something a mere twenty-five minutes could not accomplish.
But the question still stood: How would this all play out?
Over the summer, the school released a detailed schedule as to how this newly named ‘Mega Lunch’ would be incorporated. As always, school would begin at 7:30 a.m. but every class period would last exactly fifty minutes. This is a bit different from the last schedule because fifth period went from one hour to 50 minutes and there are now two lunches instead of three. In addition, school now ends at 2:45 p.m. instead of 2:30 p.m.
Students and faculty at CHS were expected to start following this new schedule starting the second week of school. It has only been a little over one week since then, but the Round Up staff sought some feedback: Is ‘Mega Lunch’ accomplishing its goal? Are students and teachers finding it helpful?
In an anonymous survey, here is what students had to say:
“I don’t really care for this extra time. Everything feels the same. I just wish I had more of my friends in my lunch.”
“It’s whatever. But I mean it is nice getting to spend more time eating and having fun with your friends.”
“This whole thing is pretty unnecessary, to be honest.”
“I don’t really feel a change. But I sit outside so I wonder how they’re going to find room for me and friends when it’s raining or really cold – there already isn’t enough room inside as it is.”
Surprisingly, the teachers had similar opinions.
“Honestly, the extra time hasn’t helped much at all. It’s just an excuse to add in more meetings and duty shifts – eating is still as stressful!”
“I don’t care, honestly. I’m just waiting to see what happens when it’s raining or really cold outside. I mean how do they plan on fitting all those kids in the commons?”
“You know what? I think it’s funny how they think everything is running smoothly. Just wait till it starts raining or when its thirty-three degrees outside. Then where will they put all the kids?”
“I guess it’s nice getting more time to eat and talk to someone who isn’t a student!”
After talking to the teachers, it seems that many of the students and the faculty haven’t been affected much with the extra fifteen minutes. In fact, a majority of them shared the same concern – Will there be extra room for the students who usually sit in the courtyard once the weather starts to change? So far everything seems to be working out, but many are adopting a wait and see attitude about the change.