Senioritis: An Epidemic

Senior year is finally here, the moment you have been waiting for nearly thirteen years. Prom, senior portraits, senior trip, and graduation, the excitement is making you antsy in anticipation. Senior year in itself is pretty dull overall, most of the classes seem unnecessary for any of your future endeavors…so why exactly are we here? You go through every day trudging through your class periods, staring at the clock, watching time slowly pass by. Alas, senioritis is finally start
ing to set in.

Senioritis is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “an ebbing of motivation, and effort by school seniors as evidenced by tardiness, absences, and lower grades.” Most, if not all seniors catch senioritis in the beginning of their second semester of high school. Once they have caught this disease, there is not much chance that the student will recover until they have received their high school diploma. Senior year usually begins as any other high school year. Students once again fall into the same schedule of attending their classes and doing their homework. The beginning of senior year may even seem a little stressful to students as most of them are probably undergoing the college application process. But just as applications are sent and acceptances are received, senioritis hits the unsuspecting students with full impact.

For the four years that these students have attended high school, this world was all they knew. High school encompassed them in a cocoon, and now they are finally reaching the end of their journey. They are ready to break out of this cocoon and experience the bigger and better things that the world has to offer. The students can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and with senioritis whispering to them about change, they get a sudden realization that these final few months of high school don’t matter. Their grades start to drop, they skip school, and homework becomes optional. Every day spent in school becomes mind-numbingly boring, and you can’t wait to get out.

Although senioritis may seem unavoidable, there is one cure. To become more involved with school activities. By doing this you will be able to enjoy your last few months and make the most of it. This is a time that you should cherish with your friends before you separate onto different paths. So, make the most of it and don’t let senioritis infect you.