Student Directed One Act Play Festival
Theatre took on a new task with their Student Directed One Act Plays. The processes that went on behind the scenes took a lot of work from the student directors and they had a successful run.
“Hookman was my favorite, but honestly I loved them all so much,” Saachi Argarwal said.
The SDOAPS were so good that the head producer could not pick a “favorite” one. Something that grabbed the attention of Hookman was the creative choices by the director.
“A lot of the choices I made just came from moments I enjoyed in plays I have seen before and my imagination,” director Emily Cox said.
It was a very enjoyable experience. It is very important to see creativity, to help the audience get a wonderful experience.
“I will definitely be back next year to come and see what next year’s student directors have in store,” Saachi Argarwal said.
Overall, there is always room for improvement, but the student directors did great and definitely have much more to give.

My name is Alyza! This is my second year in The Roundup, I love it here. My favorite thing to do is be peaceful and hang out with animals. My favorite...