Resolutions for the New Year


Claire Myers, Reporter

As 2014 started coming to an end, I decided that I wanted to come up with a New Year’s resolution and work at actually succeeding by the end of the year. I never thought of myself as a person who would want to make a goal for a whole year. Usually, I would make goals that would only be for a short period of time, like studying hard the night before a big test in order to get a good grade or being nice to my brothers for a whole week.

Usually, I would say that New Year’s resolutions are pointless because most of the American population usually lasts only about a week to a month before getting back into their old habits. But, I wanted to be a part of the eight percent that actually achieve their goals that makes their lives better. Most people just give up because it becomes too hard or it doesn’t work into their daily routine. Some people also just don’t have the confidence to think and believe in themselves to accomplish it.

So, I first had to think of something to work on. I had noticed that I was in the habit of drinking Root Beer everywhere it was offered. I didn’t like many other sodas, but Root Beer was an addiction, so I wanted to stop drinking it. And, what better an excuse than for it to be my New Year’s resolution? I decided only drink water and other health drinks.

After only a few weeks, I noticed a difference in the way I was feeling. I wasn’t as tired and I didn’t feel quite like a slug. I felt healthier and as if I had more energy for a longer period of time than when I had at least one glass of soda everyday. I began to have more respect for the people who actually try their best year round to keep themselves healthy and make goals for themselves to help them achieve something.

Sometimes the New Year’s resolutions you make can help you not just for that year, or for the next five years, but it can help you for the rest of your life. It can become a habit that you just don’t want to get out of. It can really help benefit you and even sometimes the people around you.