Langston Jamesou, Reporter


 Horoscopes, also known as astrology, consist of 12 different signs based on when a person is born. Each sign has different traits and characteristics, also known as Zodiac Signs. Signs are grouped in many ways. For example, each sign is grouped into an element.

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

    -Fire signs are associated with leadership and action.

Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    -Water signs are associated with emotion and compassion

Earth: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus

    -Earth signs are associated with practicality

Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

    -Air Signs are associated with intellect

  Horoscopes are also grouped into birthstones and rulers. Signs also have polarity, Negative and positive. It doesn’t signify a good or bad, but more like a magnet. Positive or negatives are mostly just “different”. Some signs are also Cardinal. That means that they are initiating and goal oriented. Aries and Leo are two examples of cardinal signs.

  Some signs are also Fixed and others are Mutable. Fixed signs such as Scorpio and Aquarius are stubborn and determined. Mutable signs such as Virgo and Sagittarius are versatile and can adapt to situations. If you don’t know your sign, you can find out by looking at the sign associated to your birthday.

Aries/Positive: March 21st – April 20th

Taurus/Negative: April 21st – May 21st
Gemini/Positive: May 22nd – June 21st

Cancer/Negative: June 22nd – July 22nd

Leo/Positive: July 23rd – August 21st

Virgo/Negative: August 22nd – September 23rd

Libra/Positive: September 24th – October 23rd

Scorpio/Negative: October 24th – November 22nd

Sagittarius/Positive: November 23rd – December 22nd

Capricorn/Negative: December 23rd – January 20th

Aquarius/Positive: January 21st – February 19th

Pisces/Negative: February 20th – March 20th

This month:

Aries will find the love of their life.

Taurus will get over one of their fears.

Gemini will travel somewhere new.

Cancer will find a new friend.

Leo will master a skill.

Virgo will discover something that they are looking for.

Libra will accomplish something they have not been able to do.

Scorpio will find a new companion.

Sagittarius will receive a gift from somebody they love.

Capricorn will meet their idol.

Aquarius will receive recognition for a big accomplishment.

Pisces will find the impossible possible.