10 Little Known Facts About the Internet

from Internet for Beginners

10 Little Known Facts About the Internet

  1. The Internet Weighs As Much As One Strawberry  Russell Seitz is a physicist who has crunched some very precise numbers.  With some atomic physics assumptions, the billions upon billions of ‘data-in-motion’ moving electrons on the Internet add up to approximately 50 grams.  That is 2 ounces, the weight of one strawberry.
  1. Of the 7 Billion People on Planet Earth, Over 2.4 Billion Use the Internet  While most of these calculations cannot be precisely confirmed, there is high confidence among most internet statistics that more than 2 billion people use the internet and the Web as a matter of weekly habit.
  1. It Takes 2 Billion Electrons to Produce a Single Email Message.  According to Michael Stevens and Vsauce calculations, a 50 kilobyte email message uses the footprint of 8 billion electrons.  The number sounds ginormous, yes, but with electrons weighing next to nothing, 8 billion of them weigh less than a quadrillionth of an ounce.
  1. Every 60 Seconds, 72 Hours of YouTube Video Is Uploaded   …and of those 72 hours, most of the videos are about cats, Harlem Shake dance moves, and inane things that no one is interested in.   Like it or not, people love to share their amateur videos in the hopes that it will go viral and achieve a small bit of celebritydom.
  1. Over 8.7 Billion Machines Are Currently Connected to the Internet.   Smartphones, tablets, desktops, servers, wireless routers and hotspots, car GPS units, wristwatches, refrigerators and even soda pop machines: the Internet is comprised of billions of gadgets.  Expect this to grow to 15 billion gadgets by 2015, and to 40 billion gadgets by 2020.
  1. The Internet’s 5 Million Terabytes Weigh Less Than a Grain of Sand  Weighing even less that all the moving electricity, the weight of the internet’s static data storage (‘data-at-rest’) is freakishly small.  Once you take away the mass of the hard drives and transistors, it boggles the mind that 5 million TB of data comprises less mass than a grain of sand.
  1. 1.7 Billion of the Internet’s Users Are in Asia  That’s right: over half of the regular population of the Web resides in some part of Asia:  Japan, South Korea, India, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore are just some of the countries with this high adoption rate.  There are a growing number of web pages published in these asian languages, but the predominant web language continues to be English.
  1. Online Dating Generates Over 1 Billion Dollars Each Year  According to Reuters and PC World, the statistics for online dating in the USA are very high.  While this only partially translates to other countries, it is safe to say that people have accepted the value of using the World Wide Web to find love and friendship, even if it means shelling out 30 dollars a month on the credit card.
  1. The Internet Requires Approximately 50 Million Horsepower in Electricity  Yes. With an estimated 8.7 billion electronic devices connected to the Internet, the electricity required to run the system for even one day is very substantial.  According to Russell Seitz and the calculation of Michael Stevens, 50 million brake horsepower worth of electrical power is required to keep the Internet running in its current state.
  1. Over Half of Web Traffic Is Media Streaming and File Sharing Media and file sharing is the distribution of music, movies, software, books, photos, and other consumable content to users. Streaming YouTube videos is one flavor of file sharing. Torrent P2P is another very popular form of file sharing.  There is online radio, which streams temporary copies of music to your device, along with Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify. Make no mistake: people want their media, and they want it so much that half of the World Wide Web’s traffi