Selfie or Safety?

October 26, 2015
Can you believe it? The latest trend sweeping the nation is taking selfies while driving. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), selfie taking is now a major distraction while driving.
Distracted driving has played a major role in many car accidents. About 12% of car accidents can be blamed on driving under an influence. These influences can be from not wearing a seat belt to drinking alcohol and even speeding or using your cellular device.
A selfie can be described as a picture that you take of yourself on your phone. Many people take selfies to send to their friends, upload on social media, or use as contact pictures. People who post selfies online and on social media usually use the recently popularized the hashtags…#drivingselfie, #drivingtowork and #drivingfast.
The selfie trend has significantly grown over time, and selfies while driving has become a major problem for the safety of our roads. In a study, the Institute of Motorists asked a group of drivers about how they use their phones in the car, and 9% out of 500 people answered by taking selfies.
Even though a selfie can be a simple, quick picture, it can still put life in danger behind the wheel. Surprisingly, it has been proven to be the danger equivalent to drunk driving. Driving selfies have become a serious problem. Driving selfies can…
- Put your life and other people’s lives in danger
- Cause car accidents
- Distract other drivers
- Make a person feel overly self-confident
- Take your attention away from the road
- Prolong your arrival to the destination
Taking selfies while driving has become too big of a problem and it needs to come to an end. Many people have gotten injured or killed due to this irresponsible driving habit. So next time you’re on the road,keep in mind the safety of yourself and others. Who needs to know you’re in the car? Doing this will not only protect your well-being but will also potentially save the lives of others.