Red Cross Blood Drive
Clements High School is having a blood drive on Thursday, December 5th.
General Guidelines for Blood Donation
- Be in good general health and feeling well.
- Be at least 16 years old (16 years old with parental consent)
- Weigh at least 122 lbs.
- Have not donated blood in the last 56 days.
Health benefits of donating blood include good health and reduced risk of cancer and hemochromatosis. It helps in reducing the risk of damage to the liver and pancreas. Donating blood can also help in improving cardiovascular health and reducing obesity
You don’t need to know your blood type.
If the donor is eligible to donate, the donated blood is tested for blood type (ABO group) and Rh type (povsitive or negative). This is to make sure that patients receive blood that matches their blood type. Before transfusion, the donor and blood unit are also tested for certain proteins (antibodies) that may cause adverse reactions in a person receiving a blood transfusion.
Adverse Reactions to Donating Blood
While the blood donation process is normally a pleasant experience, it is possible short-term side effects may occur such as dizziness, skin irritation, bruising, or fainting. Although unlikely, it is also possible for bruising around the vein, an infection, or nerve damage to develop during or after your donation. On rare occasions, more severe reactions can occur with complications that are more serious. To prevent the onset of an adverse reaction, it is important that you follow the recommendations to rest, drink juice, and eat a snack immediately after your donation. In addition, eating a full meal within the 4 hours before your donation will help you feel strong after donating; drinking water and juices before and after donating, helps your body to replenish lost fluids.

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