Homecoming Court
On Friday, September 27, the Homecoming King and Queen will be crowned during the Homecoming game at Mercer Stadium. The coronation ceremony will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The nominees for the Homecoming Court were revealed in school during third period announcements. In the succeeding days, the representatives in the younger grades were chosen and declared.
The freshman class is represented by Baron Joshua Cote and Baroness Han Nguyen. For the sophomore class, its representatives are Duke Randy Erwin and Duchess Laurenz Samson. And for the junior class, they are Prince Dat Le and Princess Simran Samson.
The senior nominees for Homecoming Queen are Sydney Bynes, Nabeeha Hasan, Angelina Link, Hadeer Morri, and Marielle Villa. For the Homecoming King nominees, they are Matthew Hand, Alex Kazemi, Timmy Magdall, John Carlo Parco, and Prince Pierre.
Homecoming Queen:
Sydney Bynes
Unfortunately, she could not be reached for comment.
Nabeeha Hasan
I was surprised that I was nominated for homecoming queen because I didn’t think that many people consider me a candidate. It made me feel happy. If I’m being honest, I don’t actually want to be homecoming queen because I know that many of the other candidates want it more than I do. I am excited for homecoming because it’s a great excuse to get dressed, look pretty, and have fun with your friends.
Angelina Link
I was very surprised to be nominated. After I found out I kind of just asked my friends to help me out and ask people to vote for me, but I didn’t really do anything to make a big deal out of it. I’m hopeful to become queen, but if I don’t get it it’s okay because I’m just happy to have been nominated. I want to go to either A&M or Baylor for a business degree with a minor in communication. I really like to work, I know that’s kind of basic but I really enjoy it. I also like being in DECA and going to the mall.
Pictured right
I was a little surprised, but it was like such a happy surprise you know. I’m super thankful to have been nominated. I’m honestly not hopeful at all. If I win, I win. I’m just glad to have been nominated. I didn’t really do anything. I didn’t want to tell people to vote for me because if I didn’t get nominated it would have been really sad. The college I want to go to is definitely the University of Chicago that would be amazing if I got to go there. It’s so pretty and Chicago just has a great vibe.
Marielle Villa
I was surprised to be nominated. I think it would be fun to become queen, but I know that other people campaigned really hard so if they get it that’s really good. I played softball last year but this year I’m the manager. I’m thinking about going to Baylor to study Biology to become a Pediatrician or a Physical Therapist.
Homecoming King:
Matthew Hand
I didn’t really campaign to be nominated for King, but I did campaign after it was announced and the actual voting started. I’m hopeful to become Clements King and I’m really excited. I do Band 24/7 and I’m President of ASL Club. Outside of school I like to sleep for fun. I want to go to Baylor or University of Houston and I want to major in Music Education
Alex Kazemi
I was surprised to have been nominated due to the fact that although I asked a few people to vote for me, I never really thought that I would get nominated.I usually like to keep my hopes up but I am pretty sure I know who’s going to win.Honestly, I didn’t really want to run but I asked a few of my friends to vote for me and Nancy Rosa to see if we would make it.I’m excited to be nominated but I’m also excited for all the other nominees and hope this is one more good memory for them from high school.
Timmy Magdall
I was very surprised to be nominated. I didn’t think many people would want to vote for me. I know I probably won’t win because there a lot of great candidates,but I’m just happy to be up there. I literally did nothing to be nominated. That was partly the reason why I was so surprised.Some hobbies I have are music and baseball. Those are the two things I love the most because I know that my day will get a little bit better if those things are a part of it. I am also raising a pig named Willow and I plan to attend Northern University and study Veterinary Medicine.
John Carlo Parco
I was very surprised to have been nominated! I’m not that hopeful to be nominated because it’s something that I wouldn’t have imagined of getting, but it would be awesome to have! I just asked a few people to vote for me and I guess I got nominated. I’m going to the University of Houston and majoring in Psychology hopefully becoming an Engineering Psychologist.
Prince Pierre
I was surprised to be nominated, I mean I put myself out there and asked people to vote for me but I didn’t really expect to get nominated. So when I heard that I got it I wasn’t even at school when they said my name, but other people told me I was nominated and that was pretty crazy. I am hopeful to get nominated for King, but I got pretty tough competition. My boy JC and my boy Matthew. I’m really excited for it because it’s senior year and I got nominated for Homecoming King. I do Run Through Crew and Theatre and I’m actually the lead in one of the upcoming shows. I definitely want to go to college and major in Theatre and get a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts.

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