Behind the magic: band and guard aim for success
September 6, 2018
The beat starts off slow, with only drums. Each group of instruments then begins to kneel or stand with their hands crossed in a traditional Hindu pose.
The color guard is in the middle, either sitting or kneeling around what appears to be a lotus flower. As soon as the beat starts to pick up, the band and guard begin to dance, full of emotion. Their faces express the wildness one has before finding peace and serenity.
As the beat gets faster and faster, the movements become more frantic, wilder, and new shapes begin to form.
“It’s a long journey to get there, but it’s a journey worth taking; that’s what the new halftime show is trying to express and help the audience understand,” said sophomore Jazzmine Rodriguez.
The show is based on finding peace and accepting one’s “true” character. In the beginning, you can see and feel the longing of the students as they search for their own kind of peace and tranquility. Towards the end, the calmness they portray is evident after finally finding serenity. At the end of the show, you can see the calmness that band and guard students reach once they find serenity.
Each new set, or “dot”, that band and guard students must reach has new choreography. This year’s choreography is both harder and more intricate than in past years. This could either be because of the new coaching staff for the guard or because of the theme of the new show. One of these “dots” that both band and guard students reach makes an eye shape, “that’s actually really cool to look at and harder to form than the audience thinks,” said an anonymous band student.
“The staff and students have worked very hard on the new show. It’s visually appealing and beautiful,” said sophomore Irsia Agha.
Jenean Lentell • Jan 10, 2019 at 9:10 pm
WOW! What a wonderful and magic tale. Thanks