Students provide study tips for upcoming exams

December 8, 2016
Semester exams are coming up and many students are beginning to fall into their usual study habits and routines to prepare themselves for the last important grade of the semester! Although, are these habits necessarily the right ones to depend on? We asked a few students how they handle their end of the fall stress and to give the student body fresh ideas and tips on how to equip themselves with the right study routines and set themselves up for success.
One way to review for semester exams is to create study groups with friends or classmates who are in the same classes. This can help by providing new sources of information and different styles of learning that different people have. Study groups can go over reviews and notes from class, but try not to get too comfortable and have too much fun to the point where people lose focus! Be sure to balance relaxing with friends while on a study break and making sure to focus on studying the material.
“I like to form groups so that I can find different ways to learn something and choose a way that works for me,” said Caitlin Perry. I also have to do some review questions on my own to get extra practice for my exams to really see where I’m at to know what I should focus on.”
What’s a study group without a location to study at? It’s important to make sure anyone or their study group have a nice and quiet learning environment to focus. Someone can go outside and enjoy the day while reviewing their history study guide or find a silent room in the house to concentrate. A healthy learning space is imperative to understanding and comprehending the material needed to receive the best score possible.
Studying in increments of time seem to help many people as well. Sometimes it helps to study sections of information in chunks of time by dividing classes and subjects into certain time frames. For some people, studying over a large amount of time, for example a month or a couple weeks in advance, is very effective. It often gives students time to write and copy down information which can help them retain the material faster.
“I like to study in increments, not all at once,” said Ana Sobrino. So I’ll study for like 30 minutes for one class and take a break then come back and study for another class. Also I really like writing things down so a lot of times I’ll just rewrite our notes because it helps me remember the information more.”
Although studying up until the day of the test may work for some students, others may have different learning styles. Another way of studying and preparing yourself for the exam is to study the majority of the reviews and material ahead of time to give breathing room for the student to relax before the exam. It’s necessary to get a good night’s rest and plenty sleep to do well on exams.
“I try my best to study a few weeks in advance so that I’m well rested for the exams and don’t have to stay up all night.” said Sophie Vilamara.
While this time of year is stressful on all Clements students and studying for the exams are extremely important, don’t forget to take a break! Study breaks are completely necessary for students to remain sane and ready for the test. Semester exams are taken seriously, but be sure to take a break every once and awhile to make it doesn’t get out of hand. Take these study tips and advice and they’ll be sure to help get through the semester exams alive and better than ever.