2023 Senior Trip Review
The senior trip is an event that every senior looks forward to since they enter high school. They did not fail to provide us with a trip to an acclaimed location, Six Flags Fiesta Texas.
Seniors had access to the whole park along with a few other schools who had the trip on the same day.
“The batman ride was always my favorite every time I went there, I couldn’t wait to ride it five times,” senior Chris McMeans said.
The seniors also got to ride in a nice bus where watching movies was also an option.
“Yeah, on our way back we got to watch Avengers Infinity War, not a moment of that trip was put to waste, even the bus rides.” senior Jeffrey Hernandez said.
The trip sure was a blast, and you will not want to miss it. Make sure to wish our seniors good luck in their future lives, and always keep that ranger pride.
“I wish for the class of 2024 to be able to experience this trip, definitely one of my favorite high school experiences,” said senior Julyen Broussard.

My name is Mario Coronado, I’m a senior, and this is my first year in the RoundUp. I play on the Clements soccer team, and I love watching movies! My...