New Open Carry Law Holds New Risks for Public

January 22, 2016
A new Texas law was passed on January 1, 2016 concerning the location as to where you may hold and take handheld guns. Yay! More protection in Texas right? Well, maybe not so much. The term Concealed Handgun License (CHL) has been replaced with the laws’ new recognition called License To Carry (LTC). This allows citizens to openly carry a firearm within certain restrictions. It means a citizen with an LTC has the power to carry their own handgun publicly, revealing it to other fellow citizens as long as it’s placed in a holster at the hip or shoulder holster and secured.
Some rules to be aware of concerning this new law-
- The licensee may carry the weapon either concealed or openly on school property but may NOT enter the school with the firearm out. This will result in a Third Degree Felony.
- If carried openly, the handgun MUST be secured or put away safely in a holster either on a belt or shoulder.
- A person, even a licensee, may NOT carry a firearm concealed or openly revealed during a school function or activity.
- Signs may also be posted at businesses and other places warning licensees that entering their property will result in a Class C Misdemeanor-Criminal Trespass.
In my opinion, I don’t understand the significance in allowing people to hold guns publicly around others. It only brings along new dangers and risks that could happen with more flexibility in where people keep their guns. Unfortunately, the main reason school shootings happen is because some people who may not be mentally stable, get their hands on guns without minding the law. Now, this new law provides the opportunity for those types of people to feel safer and have more freedom in the crimes they commit by bringing them a step closer to their goal. This could eventually result in an increase in school shootings and shootings in other places as well. I feel our Texas leaders should figure out ways to stop the number school and public shootings instead of presenting ways for them to continue.
According to a recent email from FBISD Chief of Police David Rider, there are a few things to remember if confronted by an individual with a gun.
“Open Carry Individuals Situations-
- Remain calm and collected, most people are following the law.
- If an adult who doesn’t have their handgun secured somewhere on them, call over a staff member and they should calmly but immediately escort this person out the building.
- Don’t hesitate to call the FBISD Police Department and report any suspicious activity or behavior you might notice.”