Beauty Week Q&A with StuCo Sophomore President Victoria Huang
Cheerful affirmations filled the school—drawn onto windows, taped on the walls, and exchanged friend to friend. In the annual tradition of Beauty Week, held from Feb. 27 to March 3, the sophomore and junior student council classes created five different spirit days and decorated the school with encouraging messages designed to make every student feel a little more beautiful. Victoria Huang, the student council sophomore president, discusses the purpose and best parts of beauty week.
Karen Wei: Student council held Beauty Week last week. What is its purpose?
Victoria Huang: Beauty Week is a week where we want people to celebrate their differences and what’s unique about each and every person and have them feel good about themselves. Clements creates an environment where everyone compares themselves to others, and we want people to acknowledge that they are important, that they are who they should be.
KW: Can you describe the process of preparing for Beauty Week?
VH: About a month beforehand, the sophomore and junior class officers got together to plan the activities for the week and choose a T-shirt design. Next, we started the decorations, like the purple and blue background and cutting out feathers, where all the junior and sophomore student council members help out.
Katherine Liu: How did you see Beauty Week having a positive effect over the last week?
VH: While putting up the feathers of positive affirmations, we read a lot of genuine affirmations, where they were telling themselves that “You are worth it!” or “You will be successful!” in a certain class. It’s nice to see people encouraging themselves and telling themselves that they are worth it.
KW: What was your favorite part of Beauty Week?
VH: My favorite part was distributing the activities every day at lunch. I was able to look at what people were writing, the compliments that they were giving to others, the good things that they were saying about themselves. I liked seeing that people enjoyed the activities that we planned.
KW: Do you have anything that you took from last week that you’d like to incorporate into Beauty Week next year?
VH: Next year I hope our activities are even better than this year’s, so we can have more involvement. Although shirts are great incentives, I want people to do the activities because the activities themselves are fun. I wish some people put more effort into their affirmations, but it was really nice to see that others were writing real things.
KW: Is there anything else you’d like to talk about in regard to Beauty Week?
VH: All of the decorations, everything that happened, was because of all of sophomore and junior student council. None of the officers could have done it by ourselves. It was really nice to see everyone working together.
KL: Is there anyone you want to shout out as particularly beautiful?
VH: Both of you wonderful reporters are particularly beautiful!
KL/KW: Thank you! Thank you so much for your time.

Hi there! My name is Karen and I’m a senior this year. I am so excited to be back for another year on the RoundUp! I’m passionate about topics like...

Hi! I’m Katherine Liu, a current senior at Clements. I love writing my thoughts down in the form of essays, poetry, and math problems! I also like swimming,...